I have been known by many names, some of them not so flattering. However, in public I have been Drake, Linuxpoet, Linuxhiker, JD and others. Generally speaking people know me as JD and have for over a decade. It is how I am referred in my company (Command Prompt, Inc.) as well as the People, Postgres, Data community which hosts the largest conference for Postgres in the world and the majority of Postgres related meetups in the United States.

Over the years I have realized that I have outgrown many of those names. Linuxpoet existed because of a love of Linux and writing poetry. That named evolved into Linuxhiker and so on. I have gone from a Linux and PostgreSQL expert, to being a published author, public speaker, advisor to companies and founding a Life and Leadership project (PragmaticWonder).

The goal of this site is to be a portal for my articles, blogs, findings, musings, photography and adventures. A place where you can get to know who I am, and perhaps you will contact my company to have us help you or perhaps you will join one of the several communities I help lead.